| - As far as being an aquarium, it's okay. Very little separates it from other aquariums, in terms of the types of creatures you're likely to see. What bothers me about this place is two things: Size, and Price.
Like anything in life, we all want to know we get the "biggest bang for our buck". I took my family there - Two adults, and three children - And paid an admission price of just over $80.
And for that price, how long did it take us to get through all the exhibits? About 45 minutes... And we looked at a few exhibits twice.
So all in all, I wouldn't return here without one of two things happening: One: Prices lowered to less than half of their current rate, or Two: They enlarge the exhibit to at least twice it's size (not likely to happen give its location).
I've shared a picture of the building to give you a sense of the size of this place.
On a positive note (which is why they got 2 stars instead of 1): The staff was awesome. They were very polite, knowledgable, and of course, helpful. The staff here is, I would assume, likely the only reason why people don't write worse reviews of this place.