I came into the urgent care on Higley and Queen Creek to be treated for several injuries due to a sexually motivated attack by an unknown man. I was "treated" by Anthony Mannino who provided me with a very unpleasant experience. As I stated, I came in seeking help and care from a very traumatic attack and he was very very very insensitive and rude to say the least. He expressed his own false theories and opinions on the attack that had happened to me which I found very unprofessional, unpleasant and highly discouraging. The way he interacted with me and handled the situation is the very reason why I feel so many people don't come forward when these horrible attacks happen. I felt even more attacked and again discouraged, by him. Based on my experience with Anthony Mannino, his lack of compassion and just downright unjustified comments and opinions, I don't think he should carry on with a career where you are expected to help and heal.