| - I almost don't want to add to the raves, because I selfishly don't want them to be so busy that it's hard to get in. If you are hesitating for some reason, if you are distrustful of chiropractic, take the leap and just try them. I went because I had an acute injury, but I have spent 25 years with chronic pain. Spent countless hours with doctors, osteopathic doctors, physical therapists, other chiropractors, accupuncturists, massage therapists, but never fully healed.
Just a couple of visits with the Tinnens fixed me. I walked out after my first visit feeling better than I have in decades, and after my second I was actually pain free for the first time that I can remember since my childhood. It will take a lot of time and work to reverse so many years of damage, but their skills are allowing me to exercise and sleep without immediate pain and that's what I have to do to heal permanently.
They didn't promise miracle cures. They suggested supplements but it truly felt like a suggestion that I could take or leave (I took them), and they were respectful of my preferences. I cannot recommend them more highly.