| - Anyone else? Nope? Okay, then I guess I'll do it. I'll review Jack in the Box.
When I lived out east, I'd only heard the jokes and rumors about Jack in the Box. That being said, when I saw them sprinkled about out here in the West, I ... well, first I laughed and said, "Wow, those really do exist." And then I thought, "I will never eat there." Of course, I was wrong, as I made that decree before I learned you could get 3 eggrolls for a buck. And they serve breakfast 24 hours a day. And cheesecake shakes. Oh, Jack, you cater to my deepest, darkest indulgences.
I will say I have learned a very valuable lesson when purchasing sandwiches from Jack in the Box -- request them with NO MAYO. If you must have it, put it on yourself. Unless, of course, you're a fan of having an entire jar of Hellmenn's dripping down your arm. In which case, you will be in mayo heaven.
I have a secret I will share with you. Jack is my friend on MySpace.