Not too happy with this shop or its practices... Had my 01 4R70W rebuilt here in Nov 15. First off when I picked my vehicle up the CEL was on which it wasn't when dropped off. I let Paul know and he had his tech come out and look at it, was for a rear 02 censor and their answer was "well it's old and sometimes they just stop working".. Well I purchased a new one and when I went to install it 3 of the 4 wires were completely ripped out of the sensor leading me to believe they never disconnected it when they dropped my exhaust... strike 1.
Next almost 2 1/2 years later my 3rd gear is slipping, I go to change my fluid and my pan bolts are torqued so tight I could barely break them free. They're supposed to be torqued to 130 inch lbs... strike 2.
When I pulled the pan one of the 10mm bolts in the valve body had completely fallen out and was lying in my pan. Strike 3...
On top of all this when i checked my fluid level the first time I had over a quart too much in the transmission..
How are you going to run a business where your techs cause damage and will straight up lie to you about the issue being their fault.
Not good business ethic if you ask me.
Also just found out from the new shop that is fixing A to Z's mistakes that they had welded in a snap ring on one of my drums, then ground down the crappy welds instead of buying the proper 20 dollar spiral ring that would have stayed in place with out the botched weld job.. this place has horrible technicians and whoever worked on my vehicle should be canned..
I got less than 40,000 miles out of this rebuild from A to Z.