This casino may be fine for shows or bingo but if you like to play slots it is the worst. Management is extremely rude to anyone that is not a "high roller". They are not helpful, courteous or professional and are in need of business training. It is insulting the way the typical guest is treated. I own 2 homes in other parts of the country where casinos are prevalent and have been to all of the casinos in the valley and Nevada. I feel qualified to say that you will be treated very badly at Casino AZ (and Talking Stick) My experience has been that if you have any sort of problem that you need help with you should not expect to receive it, unless you spend huge amounts of money there. And, once you stop spending their approved amount of money, you are nothing and given zero respect as a guest. I realize they are in business to make money but so is my grocery store and every other retailer I frequent and I have never observed this behavior. I recommend other casinos in the valley, you'll have fun and will be treated as a guest should be.