| - Lacking in compassion, quality care, sterility, business sense, follow-through. What an awful experience! They also grossly misdiagnosed him! He was having seizures and needed immediate care. They instead diagnosed him with a sore shoulder. He also left their clinic with back pain that required X-rays with our primary vet. They obviously injured him while he was there!! Understand, he and his brother had their annual well pet visit barely 2 weeks earlier at their regular vet AND WERE FINE. He had no back pain symptoms upon arrival at their clinic. Their work is so shoddy they didn't even note his significant heart murmur or the fact that he had his penis surgically removed years ago as he kept having issues with urinary crystals. The vet kept referring to him as "she" and he was noted with normal urogenital status. Wtf!!!?
I complained. Took days to get a response. Requested a refund. Denied. They assert it was a "communication" problem. They even sent a fedex with the refund denial to cover their a$$. Wtf?!!?
It was an awful experience from start to finish. First. The place smells and is dirty. They want your paperwork and money. Before any care.And while I can appreciate that on some level,the tone and approach were unbelievably unprofessional and questionable. As I began filling out paperwork, a tech came out to discuss my kitty's situation. Then proceeded to take him back while I completed paperwork.
I was eventually called back to a room. A vet comes in for 2 minutes and tells me he had a pain response at his left shoulder and they don't think it's a seizure type thing but mechanical. She recommends X-rays. I ask when I can see my kitty she tells me after I pay and she's sending someone in for that. Then they had some ghetto girl with long nails in scrubs come in to tell me how much they estimated his care to be. More than $500 for X-rays of his front leg, meds and the visit. $110 of which was for pain meds that they swore had no other option when I pressed them. BS!! There are reasonable care options. Wtf? They wouldn't budge.
I pony up the money. I should have told them to give me my cat back and take him to his regular vet in the morning. I didn't. I keep revisiting how angry I am at myself for this and not making a scene. Of course they add to this sense of urgency and upset and emotional distress because they intentionally separate you from your pet. At great length. Essentially holding them hostage and refusing to let you see them. Until you pay what they propose. In full. But they still never let you see them. At all. I got sent back to the waiting area to wait to pay. Which took far too long again. Each time I spoke with someone I asked to see my kitty. Not once did I.
Fast forward 2.5 hours into this nightmare and I ask the receptionist for status and you'd think I'd hurled the most viscous insult at her. UNBELIEVABLE!!! "We will give you an update" with a snarl is all I got. One woman behind the counter actually seemed to have a heart in her chest and tried to give an update after she saw that exchange. In the process she slipped. It was clear they hadn't given him pain and sedation meds yet and couldn't take the X-rays until those kicked in. Are you KIDDING ME? They've got him back there alone stressing because they can't get it together??? And no, I still can't see him.
Discharge time. The vet comes out and says she sees some things around the shoulder on the X-ray "that are concerning". But refuses to articulate further and says she will call me in 3 few hours after his films are read by someone else. No call folks.But the emailed notes 3 hours later show they called and went to voicemail. Bs.
The long nailed girl comes out with his meds and his X-rays and discharge papers. She couldn't even get through this process cleanly and succinctly.
Finally my kitty comes out in his carrier. First time I had seen him in nearly 3 hours.He's so messed up on pain meds that he's throwing himself around in his carrier. THROWING!!! not an exaggeration. Per their notes he had an injury to soft tissue in his arm and was to be on limited activity. And here he was far out of character thrashing around.
His night home was miserable while the meds worked through. He was so weak his back legs kept giving out, was so uncoordinated that eating and drinking became merely pushing his face in the food and water. He kept falling.He moved around all night howling in this state. Non stop.
No I didn't dose him further with the $110 of drugs I didn't want. I went straight to my family vet in morning. Who is following up on this garbage that affected other patients as well, inc a couple I saw come in after me to the ER who had a similar experience.
They prey upon people knowing that they can charge an arm and a leg while they have you over the barrel and hold your beloved pet hostage.It's clear to me it's not about quality care and the animal's life but about bottom line. Shameful!!!