We've all seen this huge store in Market Mall before. It's hard to miss since it makes up a couple of stores. Seriously. This place is huge! You may think you've hit the end, but think again, because once you pass the ladies section there is a men's section and then a children's section. It's huge!
I would say that most of the clothes in this store are pretty nice, some even being super nice. Every once in a while you'll walk by something that takes your breath away, and not in a good way. There have been times that I actually can't believe that someone would buy something so hideous! To each their own, I suppose.
The prices on the clothes vary quite a bit from item to item. Some things are pretty well priced, being very affordable, while others seem unrealistically expensive for what they're selling. The couple of things that I've purchased from this place have held their own. The clothes don't seem to be made cheaply and don't come apart after one or two washes. I'd say their good quality clothes, with somewhat decent prices.
Since it's so big, you're bound to find something you like, which is why I enjoy shopping at H & M. I can usually come out of there satisfied with buying a couple of things.