I don't like to kill time, I need to squeeze every second with enjoyment.
Having 1 hour to please myself around this area gave me lot's to think about, how could I spend wisely those 60 precious minutes?
For several reasons I was sucked into the magnetism of this old fashion dinner. Do they have outdoor seating? They have a 2nd something floor with sun (and chilly winds so far)...
Breakfast menu topped with beer (always at 11... yeah, we got it Smart Serve).
Apparently they have two Universities around; don't get upset if they ask you for ID (never leave home without ID), plus feel flattered, maybe they just want to check out where are you from and what your caliber is (blink).
I was missing my mom (Marsh), so I ordered the grilled liver. Plus I want to grow my bump, so I need lots of proteins... Said that, I want to go back and try one of their attractive Breakfast.
Loved the vibe and the waiter was super friendly and effective.