Though I've never stayed at the Artisan myself but, after living in Vegas off and on for a gig in the past year, I can safely say that is truly is one of those "best kept secrets" type places that I love to visit. Here's what it's got going for it:
1. It's not on the Strip. For most that would be a con, but look at it this way: you come to Vegas to play on the Strip all day, it's exhausting and overwhelming by the time you're done. Why not sleep somewhere where there isn't any neon outside your window?
2. It's close to the Strip. So you can still do all those "Vegas" things you want to do.
3. The decor is AWESOME! Every room is themed after a different artist and all throughout the bar and lounge areas there are reproductions of famous artwork EVERYWHERE. Even the ceilings! It's funky, different and very well put together.
4. There is NO GAMING. This is a particular plus for those who like the craziness of Vegas but occasionally just want to get a nice martini at a classy bar without the "klang klang, boop boop boop, cha-ching"-ing sounds playing on repeat all night. This place is a favorite of the locals for this very reason.
5. Martinis are delicious and unique AND not insanely expensive.
6. They have an awesome "reserved" area alcove with a fireplace and cushy couches in the bar area for a small group of friends, so you know, you can actually HEAR each other! :)