Oh boy, did I get my dance on or what?! I was sore the next day. Good stuff. Good stuff!
People complaining about the crowd or drinks or what all just need to let it go. Who cares?! You're there to have fun. So have fun! Get drunk somewhere else & stumble here if drinks cost so much. Jeez.
There is NO free ladies night on Thur. Uncool :( I'd heard there was. And yes, I'm thinking of Myst, not Axis Retardius.. oops Radius.
There IS a coat check. It's $5
21+ is upstairs. You get a black light stamp on your wrist. It's kind of strange being drunk on the dance floor surrounded by 18 & 19 year olds that are stone cold sober.
I didn't even care what people looked like around me anymore. Although, it is kind of hard not to stare at some girl's ass almost hanging out of her dress when it rides up because she's grinding up on someone.
The place gets packed. Is there something wrong with that? No!
Yeah, sometimes guys just stand around. Whatever... You're there for you, not the loser dude that doesn't know how to move. Maybe he's just struck dumb by your beauty & forgot how to do anything.
There's hookah out on the patio.
I never waited in line for the restroom.
There was a go-go type girl in a bikini shaking her stuff eventually.
The music is a good mix. Hey, I kind of like Lady Gaga.
I'd definitely come back here. But only after I drink somewhere close by ;)