BE PREPARED TO WAIT! We have made four visits to this office in last month, all very unorganized with wait over one hour. First visit the doctor couldn't remember what the codes on the referral form meant and chose to Google those rather than face the patient and ask what we were there for. Unfortunately he doesn't choose an appropriate search term and returns results that aren't quite relevant. Instead of scrolling down he chose the first and then the second results which were not medically relevant at all. After this he finally chooses to ask the reason for our visit. My mother has memory issues but he has no type of standard tests, instead choosing to pick up a card and ask her to read and then asking her to remember a group of a few terms to recite later that I couldn't ever remember after his next statement. Second visit I wasn't present but my wife waited an hour to get my mom in to find the results of the MRI weren't back because the doctor never got the referral over to the imaging place after multiple calls so there was never a box checked to send the disc with us. Doctor said he didn't believe the diagnosis from the imaging place and insisted on a third visit with the disc. The third visit he decided he agreed with the diagnosis, this was probably just a good way to charge for a third, unnecessary visit.
Today's visit topped them all, however. Clearly we were there for a scam because the doctor chose to not even advise his staff and upon entry we were told the insurance wasn't valid. Which it is. It's Medicare and was used in that office last week after a one hour wait. More than that, she described finding out YESTERDAY it was not valid but failed to mention that when calling the second time this morning to remind me about appointment. The insurance is valid but not even necessary today because it was a visiting doctor holding us up an extra hour. They charged the other lady a copay illegally as well. I say illegally because neither of us were there for insurance company approved visit but rather some friend of the doctor (another Syrian from the appearance) was supposedly holding clinical trials and came to speak with us. After waiting an hour I gave the office an ultimatum that we would be leaving if the sales pitch didn't hurry up and start and they dismissed us. Now I'm a grown man and when a Syrian doctor has me leave work an hour early to take my mom to an appointment that turns out to be a huge SCAM I'm going to get a little upset BUT WHAT RECOURSE DO YOU HAVE? Nothing really. Yelp is pretty much all you have so please take heed of my review, read the other horrible reviews of this office all stating the same thing. And doctor Harb: eventually this will come back to bite you in the ass. Either karma will find you or you'll bump into me at the wrong time. Either way I suggest cleaning up your business habits before it gets bad for you.