Twelve minutes after starting to make my burrito, the lady behind the counter still was unable to complete the process and I stormed out of another place as usual. Pretty simple task making a burrito with grilled veggies, but she chooses to warm my tortilla (spinach turned out to be a bad choice)and first she loads up the rice and beans on the warm tortilla and then proceeds to just let it sit there. Next, it's another 7 minutes for her to grill the veggies while the rest of the stuff just sits there. Finally, she completes the process and then is unable to roll the burrito because it breaks apart and stuff starts falling out. Next, she decides to double roll the thing, but has to make a 5 minute roadtrip to find new spinach tortillas. She returns and is unable to separate the tortiilas that were inside the bag (read stale) and starts to try to massage the original burrito back into fitting everything inside. This is where I exited stage left, dropped all the other overpriced crap in my basket and took the express road the hell out of Scottsdale and burrito hell.