This is a good location and *should* be a decent place for a meal, but it wasn't.
I liked the old 56 East, nice little local place, it was the sort of place to meet a girlfriend for a glass of wine. My recent experience was very disappointing.
The service was appalling. When I go out to eat I expect a few things:
1. Don't address me by saying "What can I get for you guy?" It's rude. Oh, and I'm a woman.
2. If I ask to buy more of something the wait staff shouldn't argue with me about how "that's really enough for your table" particularly when I'm asking for more vegetables.
3. Don't throw plates down in front of me so heavily that it rocks the table.
The food was ok, but the service was so awful I don't even remember what I ate, I just couldn't wait to get out of there.