This is my favorite urban park in the world!!!
This is a cant miss Old town Attraction!!!
It's a gorgeous well cared for park, with beautiful lawns and gardens really nice fountains and tons of public art.
The mall is host to many festivals throughout the year, and this upcoming Monday I will be attending a wedding for the third time in this park.
Surrounding the park are a few great places to refresh and have a bite, including the legendary AZ88 and Iron Chef Jose Garces's Distrito and OTT AKA Old Town Tavern (drinks only), Public spaces include Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art, Scottsdale's Center for the Arts and one of the best public libraries I have ever been to. (tip* great air conditioning and restrooms)
It's not a big park, a stroll through at a leisure pace takes less then half an hour, but take your time, and some photos.