I really love the platform business model of The Juice Standard, "Sustainability." I am a big advocate for simple living. I had a work event at the Cosmopolitan Hotel, and I lucked out and found TJS on the 2nd floor wondering around during my break. At the time of my visit, they just opened (2 days in business) I was told.
I'v always been a huge fan of any businesses supporting the environment and reducing the ecological footprint. TJS I was told encourages their customers to return their bottles for reuse. TJS is also on a mission to change the way their customers through education to help achieve zero emission.
Their drinks ranges from Product-Cleanses to juices. I got a chance to sample their Bee Alkaline and it was fantastic. I'd definitely make an effort to come back here when I am back in Las Vegas. Keep up your awesome mission TJS!
Until then, be kind to one another and Cheers! :p