| - BE SURE TO EAT BEFORE GOING TO THE RESTAURANT: It's a real shame that going to a beautiful idea restaurant ends up in becoming starved waiting for tea, water, and food, dealing with becoming upset and repeatedly getting up to get your tea, go to the kitchen window, speak with the Chef and hostess. Especially when they have a ton of team members available, who refuse to work and help one another - the table assigned to a server is the only LOOK or help you'll get. NO ONE IS RUNNING THIS DINING ROOM OR WATCHING IT. This ended up being a disappointment to all and especially embarrassing for the Jonas Brothers and loving family they have. As a Restaurateur, Hotelier, Waiter, Chef and Butler, I've done and worked in all of these roles and went to the kitchen twice. The second time our salads had been sitting in the window for quite a while, and certain members of the floor team just do not care about the guests in this place. DESIGN: fantastic, SILVERWARE: forks difficult to eat with, SERVICE: you'll starve and begin to shake either via anger or being hungry and shifting into anaphylactic shock, CARE OF FAMILY HERITAGE: a few team members are interested in running the Jonas name into the ground, PLATING: magnificent, FOOD: pretty darn good but destroyed by the repeated and continued ruination of the service and no management interested in operating the floor.