I'm so dissapointed that yelp hasn't added an option to rate restaurants less than one star. I am at a grad party that is less than rad due to this poor service. An experience that could be above a six is now a one (would rate rate lower if possible, see above). I was so excited to try the sliders when I saw the truck, but now I'm so disappointed because I've spent 2 1/2 hours waiting to get my slider instead of socializing. I wasn't going to write a review on this food truck until my wait got so boring that I decided it would help pass the time. My peers around me agree thoroughly and are even helping me compose this review for your future betterment. I have now received my sliders and I'm am really excited to tell you they're extremely subpar. I was sitting here with hope that this wait it would be worth it and to my dismay it was not. Yet again not living up to my expectations. The wait for my jank sliders was anything but electric. I would also like to inform you that due to your such slow service your lightning bolt on the side of your truck is false advertising. Thank you for your time, and I earnestly hope you improve your service.