AVOID AMERICAN AIRLINES. Customer service is not something they prioritize whatsoever. I booked a roundtrip flight from LAX to LAS. The flight out from LAX was delayed without any sort of communication; no phone call, text or email despite my providing all of my contact information.
On my departing flight from LAS back to LAX, the attendant at the gate was "blind-sighted" by my arrival due to being in a wheelchair. Mind, I arrived at the gate before the time noted on my boarding pass to board. They began to board before the noted time and as a result, I had to be the last passenger to board.
Once on the plane and after AA listing our flight as departing "on time", we were informed that we would actually be departing in 30 minutes with the only explanation provided being that we were delayed due to "air traffic control delays". 45 minutes after our initial departure time, we were informed that traffic to LAX had stopped entirely and that we would not receive an update on departure time for another 30 minutes.
Still waiting on the tarmac... I just want to get home!