| - Highly recommend!! Daughter went there from 2y9m to Kindergarten. She absolutely loved it - hated when we picked her up, wanted to go on weekends, talks about her friends and teachers.
She had a speech and developmental therapist through NV Early Intervention. Then tested at Child Find and was a year behind in speech. We decided to put her in all-day, M-F program. We worried it would be too much - but she loved it and proved us wrong The structure was just enough to help her learn about being in school and working hard for her age; about responsibility - she learned to put on her own jacket, put away the toys she played with, throw away her trash and clean up after she ate, when she did something she wasn't - they pulled her aside to talk about it and choices she made and better choices for the future. Within 2 months -- yes only 2 months -- she caught up in her speech, and began learning all the alphabets, phonics, lower and upper case. She was able to learn multiple songs and performed them for us. They do an impressive Halloween, Christmas, and Spring program.
By the end of Kindergarten, she was reading at a 1st grade level, published a book she wrote and illustrated, did a class science project and presented it the parents, learned her additions and subtraction, and so much more.