| - When I arrived, there was people at the front desk so I walked around until one of the couples left. When I approached, I stood in front a guy (Johnny) who had his head buried in the computer and without looking up at me, making any eye contact, he says, she can help you over there. The inflection in his voice was as if to say, "I'm not going to help you, I don't care to help you, and can't you seem I'm busy with whatever I'm doing." He reminded me of a disrespectful punk 12 year old kid being immersed in his gaming and blowing off his parents invite to join them at the table.
So, when he first said the other woman can help me, the couple was still standing in front of her. I think they had asked another question, but regardless, they were still there. He said it again with the same nasty tone. At this point I barked back him telling him I don't care for his attitude, and second, I was standing right there, I'm fully aware of what's going on. He said something under his breath to which I called him on it and instead of manning up, he lied and said she could help me, when he knows this isn't what he said.
I got into my room, the wifi wouldn't connect. Then upon inspecting the bed I found 2 long woman hairs. I'm like...WTF? There is just no excuse for this. I called down and complained about both. She gave me a number to call for the internet which rang to no one. I called back and was upgraded to an executive room. Was nicer, but then after laying in bed chatting with my fiancee, I noticed another few woman hairs. Again, WTF? Obviously, this place does not wash their sheets. And that is just foul!
I'll be making a major complaint tomorrow. The only reason I would come back would be to teach this punk at the front desk the meaning of respect.