| - Yea, I admit it. I ate here. I even admit I like it. For a chain.
I can't believe I liked it. My first experience with Mimi's Cafe was back in Vegas, when it first opened on my side of town in Summerlin. The food and the service was deplorable. I vowed I'd never go back there, not knowing it was a chain...I should've known better.
Fast forward ten years. I'm in Arizona and I'm near the Chandler Mall. I don't want mall food. I didn't feel like In N Out and frankly, that hot dog man at Lowe's wasn't gonna cut it either.
I eyed Mimi's Cafe. Was it going to make me happy? The decor made me want to hurl. It's too busy. Too fussy, frilly, froo-froo girlie girl for me. I wanted to burn that checkered table cloth. Putting that weird plexiglass thing on top of that checkered table cloth? It made me feel like I was back at my mother's house and she would be screaming, "COASTER!!!!!" any time I thought about putting a glass down on any table.
Anyway, I decided to order the Turkey Pesto Ciabatta. While waiting, bread was brought to the table...but not just any kind of bread...we're talking almost like pound cake cinnamon nut spice cake. I wanted to cry. I had to eat it. HAD TO. IT MADE ME.
The Turkey Pesto Ciabatta was heavenly. I can't believe that I had such good food. The turkey was warm, the pesto was nice...the bacon made me happy...I am still floored it was so good.
Maybe I'll have to try something else, but for now, Mimi's gets 4 stars. Sorry, no 5 stars...because my awful experience from Vegas is still forever burned into my memory.