I am only writing this because I just read another review of Ezra's Pound that sums up every experience I have had here and now I realize that it hasn't just been me and my friends who feel like we aren't of value when we have been customers there.
I was a semi-regular customer since it opened because it was one of the only privately owned, local places in my neighbourhood that isn't part of a large chain. I am more than happy to pay a few more dollars to support a local business.
I cannot think of one time I have gone where I have not been spoken to in a condescending manner and I think that customers paying their prices deserve a little better than that. Am I not dressed hipster enough? Is that it?
I also witnessed an incident a few weeks ago where I was so upset by the manner in which the staff spoke to a customer that I contacted the owner to voice my upset (in a completely respectable and kind manner I might add). I got a sort-of apology, but not for how rudely the staff dealt with the situation, but for uncomfortable witnessing the incident made me feel.
I can honestly say that I have no intentions of ever giving them any more business, which is unfortunate because they make really good coffee!