it would have been 5 stars until the end when security rudely began yelling at me ( which no one but my husband heard) for having a carafe of water of the pool. Just a chick trying to hydrate! When the lone security personel refused to get me a cup to oblige his requests of what's acceptable in the pool my husband got a bit livid for the disrespect and lack of customer service. Tao Beach head of security found it within protocol to kick us out after having spent $400+ and being overly chill and respectful to our waitress and assistant. Our waitress and cabana barback profusely apologized and made private comments that if within their power they would have absolutely accommodated our requests and allowed us to stay. Mr. Mendez (manager of Tao Beach) this one is for you. Your security lost and DISRESPECTED not only a female guest of the Refined Agency but also what could have been a very profitable, local client. Congrats!