Frankly I don't really get the hype... Everything is expensive, and for some reason the staff isn't ever really nice to me. I'm a nice dude, just come in to do homework and order either tea, a muffin or coffee. Granted the muffins are good, tea is good. Product overall is good. I'm just not sure what makes their service sub-par... I've literally been insulted by a sarcastic comment because they were trying to be "friendly" and joking with me about leaving my old employer, USAA. No, I wasn't fired. Today I simply order a muffin. "Do you want it heated?" Sure, I respond. She puts it in the microwave for 15 seconds and walks away... I'm standing there for a few minutes like... Can I get my muffin? I had to ask another girl to get it for me. I don't even get the hype. Must be because it's the only coffee shop around other than Starbucks, and people need a place to get together and chat. Good food, subpar service and staff.