Shoku is small and quaint restaurant with very few tables. For the most part it is easier to get a table here than it is next door. Once it fills up, it gets hectic. The atmosphere is lively and minimalistic.
The food is slightly on the salty side, but the flavor is better than some of the other ramen shops I have dined in. The fried chicken was tasty. I could probably fly through a couple orders by myself. The spicy miso and butasan are belly warmers that stick with you. They are rich. The noodles are cooked to the tooth and gives off a fantastic slurp. The bowls tend to have a well balanced mix of enhancing ingredients, but if you are not satisfied with the usual then additional items can be added. My dining partner and I trusted them and did not add a thing. It was the right move.
The service is thorough up until it is time to get the check. This has always baffled me. Why do businesses do so well until the very last moment? I liked how they did not rush us out right away, but the not looking at us was odd. Other than that, the service was wonderful and warm.