Starving. Super late lunch. Out of desperation I walked across the street to see what this place was about.
Empty. Totally empty. The girl at the counter: blank. Total deer in headlights. No hello. No acknowledgement. Just a blank stare.
Having never eaten here before and not being familiar with the menu, I strained my neck looking at the ceiling trying to decipher the menu. Then to wall on the right.
I ordered my 3 rolled tacos with sour cream. She asked beef or chicken & I asked which was better...yeah, I got nothing. I really wanted her opinion & she just stared right through me. Completely non friendly, empty, emotionless.
When I returned to my office I opened the box & saw nothing but cheese & sour cream. Okay, in we go. Bit into the first roll & here's what's odd; the ends completely hot & crispy, the innards cold.
I was so hungry I didn't care.
Until after I was done eating and I did. My stomach would not digest this mess. 4 hours later & it's still sitting there.
Never again will I sacrifice hunger for nastiness, or $3.73.