I took my special needs daughter to get a few donuts today. In fairness Donuts are pretty good. They look better than they taste but they are good. What's not good is the owners attitude towards my 9 lb Havanese service dog. She was obnoxious and immediately began asking questions about wether or not my dog was a service animal. Rather than address it in my daughters presence. I took the dog out to my car. Upon my return I suggested she wasn't allowed to ask about disabilities and suggested she needed a sign that indicated no dogs. She kept at me telling me it was "her business". At that point I suggested I was the customer, and deserved respect.
I don't care how friggin good your donuts are if you don't respect me. And I'd strongly suggest the owner review the laws about service animals in Arizona. If you have a dog, it's probably not a business you want to patronize.