I've been going to Chandler Dental for about a decade and have seen several dentist/owners come and go over the years. All were great, but I must say that the current Dr. Chase Davis' and his staff are absolutely top-notch. Dr. Davis has a very personal and patient way about him when interacting with you, and while he is always busy, I always feel after each visit that enough time was spent with me and my questions and concerns are always listened to addressed. The staff hygienists are also very thoughtful and friendly as they conduct the cleanings. They do a wonderful job tracking exactly what my insurance allows and doesn't allow to make sure I never have an unnecessary out-of-pocket expense, which has happened with past dentists. Lastly, I must say that I am always impressed with each visit to see the newest and latest technology they use around the office to make each visit and my dental care management be as efficient as possible. This morning I quickly breezed through their medical forms from my exam chair, through the use of an Ipad.
Great staff and great Dr.