Make sure you go early on the weekends, or be prepared to wait if you have a large group! This place is very busy, but it is a large dining room and you should be seated fairly quickly if you are 2 or 4 people. The weekdays are less busy, but they don't always have that large of a selection. A nice variety of dim sum and they also have good bbq meats. Having grown up in Vancouver and SF, it is tough to get 5 star dim sum in AZ, but this place is good and they have the authentic girls going around with the carts. I would recommend it if you are a dim sum fan visiting the PHX area, or craving dim sum and do not want to drive far. The place could use a facelift as it seems a bit dirty inside and the bathrooms are not that clean. This place was the only place I knew in PHX when I moved here that had dim sum, but now there seems to be plenty of others to try.