Just joined this gym this past weekend and there are a few improvements that would make this place better.
1. 1 person at counter signing people in and a line to the door is unsatisfactory especially when all of the personal trainer stations are behind counter and they could assist. 6 trainers were standing there on 25 Oct @ 6PM.
2. The gym is too hot, the fans do help but all they're doing is moving stale hot air around. Leaving the main door open when it is hot outside is not helping. Stop being cheap and turn on the AC I'm pretty sure this facility is making a profit as it is always crowded.
3. Don't tell me I need a towel for this gym and also charge a $1.00 for one because it is required when 80% of the people are walking around without one.
4. Equipment is filthy. Here is a suggestion the personal trainers that are standing around doing nothing and getting a paycheck have them wipe down equipment.