North York Public Library is one of the reasons I never want my parents to move. I love going back home and dropping by the libs. Four stories of books, microfilm, movies, magazines, and stuffs! How I love North York Public Library!
They've got chairs to sit on, people are fairly friendly. There's a computer room where computers are mostly hogged up by kids and unemployed people. Those kids will probably one day be unemployed people as they don't go to school.
I was a minor celebrity here as I was the first person to get North York's copy of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. My parents went to pick it up for me, and apparently a "crowd" of librarians gathered to see who got it first. They really didn't expect a fobby middle-aged Chinese couple, so my parents explained that their 20-year-old daughter was a huge loser and reserved it as soon as the reserve list opened up.