| - say it with me, THEY HAVE BOARS HEAD MEATS!! Praise life, im a stickler when it comes to deli meat and i was so pleased to learn they sold boars head products. Im a fan automatically! they've undergone a big renovation, making it roomier inside this cozy little market. Their selections is some of the best in the area for specialty foods. Fresh chicken wing pieces, fresh deli meats and salads, fresh butcher department. They have prepared sandwiches and salads, as well as dinner ready meals. Great for a quick night! they accept Credit and cash, as well as EBT and WIC so it helps everyone out. Friendly staff, kid friendly they always have a cookie ready for my little ones. Im very happy with how this place is run, and stocked, they have hard to find pasta ingredients, as well as hard to find fruits. It makes it easy for a quick run here instead of having to drive to the west side market.