Came up here for comic-con and everywhere was jam packed. So we find this hole-in-the-wall shop not expecting much, but they still managed to disappoint. I ordered a chicken protein bowl with quinoa and a 24oz iced caramel latte. The girl with the huge tattoo of an axe on her leg brings me a 16oz latte heavy on the caramel.. i tell her thats fine except its supposed to be a large, and she pours it into a larger cup and tops it off with milk. Am i stupid? The whole drink is caramel and milk now. Im blown away how i paid 19.91 for this and received trash. The chicken and quinoa with asada sauce was pretty tasty though it was also mixed with a grip of carrots cauliflower and cabbage... very disappointed with the cost. Lastly, i decide to get some water instead, and theres no ice in it. Keep in mind the weather is 100° plus right now.