| - Saturday clinic: 8-5
$32 for a one hour massage, done by students
Sometimes, they have a 2 for 1 special; there were lots of pairs today.
If you buy gift certificates, the more you buy, the more you save.
Tip: If you come in the morning, when it's busy, check in at the front desk, pay, then you can run some errands (we went to Big Lots), grab some lunch (was a 2 hr. wait), come back, head to the back waiting room, wait for your name to be called. No food or drink allowed, btw. (If you come in the afternoon, might be less of a wait.)
It's a large room, separated with sheets, soft music is playing, getting you into the relaxing state of mind. You get undressed to your comfort level. There is a desk (to place your clothes), box of tissues, & a small clock. Sheets are used. You lie face down under the sheet.
My 1st time was a wonderful experience. I got lucky. I got a female with strong hands, strong fingers, a firm touch (just the right amount for a deep tissue massage), and she used her elbows (yes!!!) to really get my trouble areas, the knotty ones in my shoulders. She used a variety of techniques (incl. pressure points), which I was very pleased with, I enjoyed it. Lotion is applied but it didn't feel greasy. It's been a long time since I've had one of these. Time's up, aww. You get dressed. Afterward, you fill out an evaluation sheet.
I want to come back. My MIL saw someone she knew, who comes every week, lucky guy.