My experience was exceptional. Marty one of the clinical assistance call the day prior and answered all my questions plus more. The day of my surgery I met Tracy at the front desk she had a nice warm smile which was great because I was a little scared. They then called my name and that's when I got really nervous Marty the clinical assistant that call me the night before and started prepping me. She did an exceptional job of hooking my RV up just a little pinch she says and it was just a little pinch. I asked more questions and between Marty and dr. Smith's kind words I was a little more relaxed. They were about to start and Cheniqua was now in the room. Cheniqua looked at me with a warm smile and rub my head until I drifted off Chenuqua made me not scared at that point :) All went fast and apparently I like to swear when waking up :( Despite the embarrassment on my end; the staff was still kind and I was able to leave shortly after. I have experienced no pain within the last thirty five hours. I am grateful to have had such a wonderful team, you all are great thank you once again!