I would give it 3 1/2 stars. I am putting 3 because I just can't give it 4 but I feel bad giving it 3. It is good but not the greatest. For fast food it is a little step above bigger chains. It is kind of clean and kind of local.
The Green Chili Double is really good. Sometimes they are hotter then others it depends on the chili but that is a good thing because at lest you know they are using real chilies and not some lab created trickery. Even a regular Whataburger Double with cheese is good. The fries are good too. They just aren't blow your mind good. Plus they have a rep for being a little on the dirty side. Just a little nothing to get them shut down just not white glove clean as some other places. Also they are just a few dollars more expensive then the regular fast food place.
I would go again and I have once in a long while. Just not the first choice with so many other great places to choose from but still a choice.