Same problems as others have mentioned on here. They want you to pay in advance for what they ESTIMATE your portion will be (estimate only because it cannot be confirmed until they file a claim and submit to insurance, then it depends on what doctors submit first for who the patient is to pay and who the insurance is to pay). They REFUSE to discuss this or make any changes to "company policy" even though the insurance company tells them it's NOT FAIR to your patient. Then when they finally do submit to insurance and find that they should not have collected any or that amount from you it takes 3 days to 3 weeks to process a refund (based on how you paid up front). Add to that the fact that they won't start the process until you bring it to their attention and ask for the refund. WOW, is that great customer service or what.
Bottom line is SimonMed does not care about their patients they only care about their bottom line!!!