I honestly can't get over how awesome this place it! My throat is still burning today from all the screaming out the lyrics I did last night.
I'm a big country music fan and I'd never thought I'd see something as awesome as Rock N Horse in Toronto.
Spent Friday night there. Arrived at around 9pm. It's still quiet-ish at this time and you can order food. At around 10pm they clear out a lot of the tables and remove the saddle-bar stools to make more room. That place gets PACKED.
Surprisingly there was a good mix of die-hard country music fans and people who were just there for the experience. The mechanical bull at the back is heaps of fun, and the DJ spins mostly new country hits with a splash of the old favourites.
I haven't had so much fun since I was in my early 20s. Crowd was mixed ages, some 20 somethings, 30 somethings and just a dash of the 40+.
In the course of the night I had a drunk guy buy me 7 bottles of Coors Light in the span of 30 mins (no, I didn't drink them all), a guy in a santa suit continually touching my bum with his prosthetic arm and met a gaggle of American men posing as Detroit Red Wings.
Arrive early or get on the guest list if possible.
Good coat check. Only slight moan is the bathrooms - the set up of the ladies room is such that it's hard to queue/line up to wait for a stall, and drunk women who need to pee can get really b!tchy!