STK. (Saitou to Kaigen)
Red Cream Soda: Foamy Frenzy
Veggie Burger: Pineapple and Spicy Mustard, goodness me...
Shaggy Dog: He wolfed it down in 2.5 minutes. The 2nd one was 3 minutes, due to the fries.
My cousin enjoyed his Shaggy while I enjoyed a vegetarian burger option. You definitely get what you ask for at Maui Dog. Would give a 4.5, because I want more vegetarian options but I usually stick to what works and it was stellar.. Pleasant owner, very cool menu, good char on my burger. Ask and you shall receive. Want to train my cousin up to do the "BIG KAHUNA Challenge"
Culinary Thought: Moderate pricing plus funky condiments = Happy Ninja. Spare no expense, for every penny spent will stretch your face into more of a smile. Simply Good.
Ninja Eating Plan: Could I attempt the BIG KAHUNA CHALLENGE?