The customer service is alright 98% of the time. One time when my friends and I stopped for some rat food, I saw ferrets eating what looked like their own feces in their water bowls and a rat that looked deathly ill. When I confronted the manager about it she instantly took an attitude with me and was super nasty. I had to actually take a step back and say, "Wow! Hey lady, i'm just concerned and asking." She never fully recovered from being completely rude... I guess she thought I was a 6ft tall PETA member on a mission or something. Still, the next time I went i've never seen sick rats or 'baby' ferrets eating 'slop' again. The other time I was with my husband and I could not find a single Petsmart rep to help me find something for my cat. We ended up giving up and luckily found something at Walmart in the same plaza.
Other than those 2 instances, we generally just go for cat/dog food. Get the food, check-out, done.
The check-out is always pleasant. (haha except when the person behind you is literally inches away from you... must be a Vegas thing. Happens everywhere we shop. No personal space unless you force it lol)