| - I've been doing Bountiful Baskets for about 3 months now and I was really surprised at the quality of produce!
Every week, Christina P, Amber W and I get the basket. We rotate the pick-up and pay. What's awesome about this is that every Sunday or Monday, we get together to make dinner and then split what's left.
I remember as a kid, being raised by a single mom, going to the food co-op and it was hit-or-miss. Some things had begun to rot and you had to make it that day. Not so with Bountiful Baskets. Everything's fresh, sometimes not even ripe. That's good, because you get a LOT of food and waiting a couple days just makes you eat what's ripe earlier.
They also have add-ons of specials. Last week, we got 48 ears of corn. I'm not kidding! Luckily, that got split 4 ways, but I'm still trying to make salsa and elote like a madwoman.
I like the Kodiak Produce pick-up. First of all, it's at 11am so I don't have to get up at the ass-crack of dawn on a Saturday. Second, they have extra stuff you can take. Plus, it's the closes to Downtown.
I love that we get stuff sometimes that is different than what I'd usually buy. There's a squash in the box right now that I'm going to have to research.
The two best things I like? Well, I'm eating more fresh fruit and veggies. Nature's broom! AND I get to spend some quality time with friends every week. I think it's good to take a breather and cook homemade food at least once a week.