Uhhh YUM! We were recently in our favorite city of sin and happened to be staying in one of our favorite locals...Fremont street. Me being the cupcake ho that I am, HAD to yelp cupcakes and, this lil peach poped up SO FRIGGEN CLOSE (its in the plaza at the end of fremont, right at the entrance...you cant miss it.
Now first let me tell you. Im a girl who likes her frosting and second Im a girl who likes her frosting buttercreme. THIS....is my mecca. Theres so much frosting on those cupcake they tell you to turn them upside down and smoosh them in a bowl to get the frosting all over everything. Ring Ring..Hello? Is this heaven? Cuz baby Ive died.
I had a bunch of the minis while we were there, but honestly I liked the big ones. The Cookie Dough one, being our absolute favorite and the Hunka Chunka Banana coming in close second.
If you like frosting, like cupcakes, and like your cupcakes real. THIS is the place. Go...go now...(ship me one...will you? lol)