| - when i first came here, i was a bit skeptic. i have so much stuff in my closet and i was delighted to unload here, but i couldn't tell if they were going to take my stuff or not. the waiting around while they determine the value of your belongings was a little nerve racking at first. i would imagine it feels like like waiting for the judges to hand out scores to see if your child won the beauty pageant.
i literally have come here with bags and bags of clothes. they have taken a good amount of things from me, and i always get store credit. because they have good shit here that i buy. i have hardly spent any of my actual dollars at this place because i have sold hundreds of dollars of stuff to them, and turn around and give it right back for other things.
i will say that their taste is a little weird. they have turned down very new adorable things that i thought they would pick out right away, and they have taken a few kinda weird very old things that i would not have thought they would take at all. i have also brought back things that they refused, in a new bag with more things i decided need to go, and they took things that they had previously refused.
i don't know. the girl who is usually the one buying your clothes has like kind of a "i don't give a shit" face on all the time. i don't know if it's bc she doesn't like dealing with the people who sell their clothes to her (ie people who are always asking, why didn't you take this? why didn't you take that?), or if she is just a too good for everything hipster, or if that's just her face and she's actually really nice. all i can say is, she doesn't act very warm to her customers, and it makes me feel a little uncomfortable sometimes. now that i've seen her once a week i've gotten mostly used to it.
(yes i come here once a week. it's become an obsession)
ok so that's all i have to say about selling your shit here. as for buying things and their selection, i'd say their selection is pretty good. their prices are decent, i would feel more comfortable paying like 2 dollars less than the tag for everything, def not thrift store cheap, but it doesn't smell like thrift store either so that's a plus. there is like way too much super vintage stuff, which sometimes i accidentally buy, thinking i can pull off vintage bc i am in a shop full of hipsters and somehow my brain has melded into their thinking patterns, and then immediately regret as soon as i walk out the door or try it on again later (what was i thinking?!).
so that's the good and the bad. take your stuff here, but don't have high expectations about what they will buy from you, get store credit and buy their shit bc you can def find some good stuff.