I dont get what the hype is about.
Besides pasta, I consider breakfast one of the easiest meals to make. Bread, eggs, potatoes, people have been practicing cooking these things for centuries so you'd think they have become pretty hard to mess up, yes?
I had gone twice before on a weekend to Aunties and the wait was approx 45 mins each time.
Finally went on a weekday when it was dead and were immediately sat. I ordered the breakfast pocket and they made a big deal about subtracting the peameal bacon. My friend ordered the chicken club and both were less than mediocre upon first bite. The food got more nauseating the more we ate, and the "hash browns" had a sour taste to them. Potatoes - my brother who thinks processed cheese is a food group can make potatoes.
People have lived off these staple items since dinosaurs I don't understand potato inconsistencies.
Both of us had that weird feeling where you're still hungry but feel like projectile vomiting everywhere after eating here. If you like feeling that you have the stomach flu, check it out.