| - Now I've lived in AZ my whole life and have never been to the COFCO center, until yesterday! My boyfriend and I decided that it was a Sushi night and we normally go to AJ's to get Tuna, but we went out on a limb and decided to see if we could get everything we needed at Super L. Woot woot, very happy with this choice! This was my 1st time visiting an asian market in AZ, I have no idea why though, I'm still battling that out with muhself.
Naturally we headed straight to the back counter to take a look at their fish quality and selection. I was immediately disappointed, I was like dang it, now I'm going to have to back track and go to AJs to get our fish. There is no way that is sashimi grade fish!
After roaming around the store, looking for pickeled radish. Which we found in the cooler next to the produce, and there were 5 different packages for them. I had no idea what to get, but closed my eyes and picked, so I could go on my next hunt. Soy Sauce, luckily I made fried celery the night before and noticed we were almost out. No good for Sushi night.
The Soy sauce aisle is intimidating. Thanks to Alton Brown we look at the ingredients of every soy sauce bottle making sure there is no benzote(not ss, or whatever in it, so that we are acutally really getting soy it matters! Now on to search for the Seaweed!!
Hey! look up at the signs it says what's down every aisle! Finally, I see Seaweed at the top, and yell out 12, aisle 12!! Like I'm on super market sweep or something. Standing at the top of the aisle looking down, thinking this can't be right, I do not see any Nori looking packages down this aisle, I see coolers and Sake! One last look up at the sign, and there I see, Sushi Fillings! We both looked at each other and said OH, what's that!??!??! Fantastic, Fantastic section. We got a packaged of Boiled Eel, Smoked Salmon, Salmon and Tuna. The best part about it was they were all prepackaged in 1/3 of a lb packages. I was tempted to get some Roe, I mean there were so many types, and its great with Sushi! The only thing we forgot to look for was shrimp tempura, we cheat on this and buy the already made ones and put them in the oven. Sushi is already enough work as it is. They ALSO had pickeled radish, and we opted for that because it was already cut and in an easier stored package.
Our sushi night was a big success, my boyfriend, the roommates, and I were all satisfied. We even had some sashimi slices of the tuna and salmon. I'm definitely going to be going here a lot more often. We almost cancelled sushi night after seeing the lobsters! I couldn't believe they had so many types of live fish or even frogs! Crazy...