I would normally never have given Kennywood a low rating but this time they deserved it! I want others to be aware of how the park is conducted to stay open or not. The General Information on there website about "rain" and "best time to come" should be taken with a grain of salt. Its stated that after 2 hours of continuation of rain that the park may choose to close down, it also suggestions on days when there is a threat of rain, may be the best time to go cause the park is least crowded.
Let me tell you... THIS IS NOT TRUE... The management of the park controls the park completely and doesn't care about your family! Its a business and I understand that but because the ticket numbers swiped getting in isn't high enough in the early afternoon and to close the park because of that, isn't a good reason to CLOSE!
Imagine hearing the weather for the day was early morning rain then a potential of a passing shower or thunderstorm in the afternoon or early evening. Sounds like a good time to go on a week day, right? Checking Kennywood's website and calling when they opened and saying they'd be opened and no reason they would be closing sounds like the perfect day... Now everyone in your family takes time off from work to go, and someone who's handicapped is with you and is really excited about going. Upon arriving at the park you now discover you have 45 minutes till it closes, now you have to explain to that person that they can only be here for a short while when that's all he was looking forward to for weeks! Kennywood states now on there website its due to "Inclement weather closing at 3pm" the staff running there rides, although say different. They say the tickets swiped coming into the park isn't high enough. Kennywood is all about the $. This is the only day our family could come this year with everyones work schedule. Terrible Kennywood!!
Maybe this is a result of new management...
Money first, family second!
I wrote this review cause I'd hate for another family to have to go through this again. I want others to know what could happen to them and to be prepared and maybe reconsider trying to go on a slow day cause management may dictate your family vacation outcome!
Date of visit was 6-23-16
Updated Review:
I respectfully mean this, but I recall being at the park 6-23-16 and it hadn't rained nor did the current radar show anything moving in at the time. I understand that there was a chance of rain and it did rain some in the afternoon but it was not a continual rain fall. I remember when Kennywood would stay open when it would rain. I had been there in the past when it has rained and some rides may close and reopen after it rains. I did not see this that day. There wasn't a chance given!
To sum up what I learned from this day is that if Kennywood doesn't have a certain guest amount in the park if the threat of rain is possible the park will close! I guarantee if there were more guests that day the park would have remained open. I did not plan to go that day because it was going to rain that was planned weeks in advanced by family. Its the only day we had for the summer that we could all make it. I think it's misleading on your website to give suggestions about coming on a day it can rain, because if there isnt enough guests the park will close. That isn't mentioned. I don't mean this in disrespect but this is what happened.
I just want Kennywood to know how this impacted my family and how they can prevent it from happening to another. Maybe reconsider mentioning times best to come and how when it rains that after 2 hours considerations to close is possible. Maybe mention a threat of rain will close the park. I know how I mentioned that the staff mentioned to us it was because of low guest count. I guarantee management will speak to them to not tell guests this again. I know it now but others should know this as well in case they wander why the park is closing for a rain threat when other days it remains open. Offering a rain check isn't always a solution when an entire family cannot make it there again. Simple for some but others not.