| - Oh. My. Gosh.
We were looking for somewhere "fancy" to go, but we weren't sure if we defined "fancy" as involving well-dressed patrons, staff who dusted crumbs off the tablecloth, or food with mouth-exploding flavor. Whatever we were searching for, L'Abatros definitely fit the bill.
As it seems everyone has been saying, get the "French Toast."
Do it.
You won't be sorry. It's an appetizer, and no, it's not sweet. If there are two of you (and yes, I recommend this absolutely as a date spot [but probably not for a first date]) they split it in half and give you each your portion (they likely know there'd be some bickering over the division and are trying to preserve your relationship). The toast is lightly sweet and creamy--as with "normal" (read: boring) French toast, it's been soaked in cream/egg and fried in butter (mmmm!). But then it gets a balsamic drizzle, flaked cheese, gorgeous mushrooms, and a cream sauce. I just--you need to get it. A sweet lady seated nearby was pleased to see we'd ordered it and gave it her hearty recommendation before engaging in a 20-minute conversation with the sommelier about mutual friends.
I also got the root vegetable cassoulet--a white bean porridge/casserole creation with hunks of roasted parsnip, carrot, and acorn squash and topped with flaked cheese and more of those amazing mushrooms. My date got the almond-encrusted trout and found it similarly delicious, but he can post his own review. ;)