We went to Moon Valley Nursery today (3/20/14) to look around. In the market for some palms. Found some Pygmy Date palms. Took them home and our landscaper tells us they're the wrong ones for yard. Too much sun will kill them. So we went to take them back. Upon arriving the same old lady that helped us check out was in the same place for our return. We spoke to her about returning them and explained to her that they weren't the right ones us. She asked us if we wanted a refund or store credit. We said a refund and she laughed at us. My wife and I both saw her and we looked at each other like what was that. Anyways some guy came to help her because she didn't know what she was doing. He told us that we would get store credit because it's they're policy. I said "where does it say that. On that sign up there it says 100% customer satisfaction." He says to us "It's right there on the bottom of your RECEIPT." I said are you kidding me. The bottom of the receipt after I buy something. Gimme a break bro. That's bad business to me. Long story short after making a stink about it they said they would put it back on my card. We ended up getting some Mediterranean palms from there anyways. If I had to do it again I would've went across the street to get them there. Oh well lesson learned. Thanks for reading.
By the way the Pygmy prices for the two places were:
MVN - $149.00 but were listed $69.00
10 gallon
Star Nursery - $59.00 every day price 7 gallon They looked real close in size too.
P.S. The young girl that helped us get the Mediterranean palms was real nice to my wife and I.
I'm only giving the extra star for the young girl.