| - I've been with Verizon for over 14 years, even before they went by Verizon. I've seen some pretty excellent customer service from them in that time, and today I experienced the worst customer service from this retail location.
Last Saturday I went into the retail location to purchase a car charger. The place was super busy. The guy at the check in station said no problem, ran to the back, got the charger, rang me up and I was out the door in under 5 minutes. Great.
Well, turns out I don't need the charger.
So I just went in to return it. No big deal right?
The girl at the check in station said that they only do things first come first serve and I'm looking at AT LEAST AN HOUR before I can be helped. Um, what? An hour or more to return an item for refund? I don't need tech help, or a new phone/plan or help with existing service or equipment. I just want to return the charger. If it was really a first come first served system, then they had no problem skipping me to the front of the line for me to spend money. But they won't for a simple cash register transaction return? If that is really the system.
I am seriously dumbfounded. I've never heard anything so absurd in my life!
I called Verizon headquarters/corporate to lodge a complaint and the woman who took my call said SHE was surprised that they said that. Said she has never heard of something so awful, and that she would be pretty upset about it too. She was more than just a sympathetic report taker, she was dumbfounded as well.
Mind boggling. Now I have to go back when I either have an hour to waste to get my $30 back, or get there right as they open. Total inconvience for me. Not a happy camper